1. John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: It takes the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible more than brains!

    John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: It takes the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible more than brains!

  2. John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: keep paying attention when you are done reading your Bible!

    John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: keep paying attention when you are done reading your Bible!

  3. Who's Reading The Bible? - John Plake on LIFE Today Live

    Who's Reading The Bible? - John Plake on LIFE Today Live

  4. UN calls for reperations, RFK makes VP choice, and the Trump bible.

    UN calls for reperations, RFK makes VP choice, and the Trump bible.

  5. John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: Using the cross reference tools that are in a lot of Bibles can help!

    John Mark’s Quick Bible Tips: Using the cross reference tools that are in a lot of Bibles can help!

  6. Bible "JOHN - The Book" [Bible Audio] Trap, UK Drill, Type Beat AUDIO and TEXT. Subscribe!

    Bible "JOHN - The Book" [Bible Audio] Trap, UK Drill, Type Beat AUDIO and TEXT. Subscribe!
