3 years agoDon’t the facts for evolution speak for themselves? (Creation Basics, Episode 20)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoIs the creation/evolution debate between Facts and Faith? (Creation Basics, Episode 33)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWere there dinosaurs after the Flood? (Creation Basics, Episode 32)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWhy should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? - part 3 (Creation Basics, Episode 7)Answers in Genesis Canada
4 months agoBig Bang Theory Exposed - Big Problems for Lies in our SchoolsCreation Answers that Point to our Creator God.
2 years agoIs the Samurai crab evidence for evolution? (Creation Basics, Episode 64)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoDoes evolution qualify as a scientific theory? (Creation Basics, Episode 51)Answers in Genesis Canada
2 years agoWhat happened to Christianity in the West? (Creation Basics, Episode 85)Answers in Genesis Canada
2 years agoAre Evolutionary Researchers Reinforcing the Creationist Perspective? (Creation Basics, Episode 96)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoDo living organisms fit into a tree of life or an orchard of life? (Creation Basics, Episode 41)Answers in Genesis Canada