Q: "Under Donald Trump, you criticized the wall more than 50 times. You called it stupid, useless, and a medieval vanity project. Is a border wall stupid?" Kamala lies about President Trump's record: "Obama built it!"
Q: Can you explain how are you going to pay for your economic policies? Kamala: "Just look at it in terms of what we are talking about... what that will do and what will pay for will be tremendous we've seen it when we did it..."
When asked why people call her husband Tampon Tim, Gwen Walz says that it "makes sense" for tampons to be available in the boys bathroom at schools, and tells about unusual thing that her husband does: "He likes vegetables."
Donald Trump at the Al Smith dinner: "Right now we have someone in the WH who can barely talk, barely put together two coherent sentences, who seems to have the mental faculties of a child... But enough about Kamala Harris."
Kamala Harris makes up this bullshit about Trump: "And here's the thing. It makes you wonder. Why does his staff want him to hide away? One must question. Are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable?"
That's how she does it. Question: What is your plan to strengthen Social Security? Kamala: First of all, listen to my lies about President Trump... (lies + word salad) ...so, part of my plan is to continue to strengthen Social Security.
CNN fake news anchor lets Democrat Pelosi lie about Trump: "He's going to a bloodbath! He's praising Hitler! He says our soldiers are losers! He says what's wrong with Russia - they defeat Hitler!"
Biden delivers incoherent remarks: "Schumer leader and I, we took action bringing prices down for everyone... Not a joke, by the way... that's not hyperbole, that's literal... My wife Jill cares a lot about this..."
Just one month after Trump assassination attempt, Biden: "And get this! You may have heard about the MAGA Republican Project 2025 plan... Let me tell you what our project 2025 is. Beat the hell out of them!.. I mean it."
Biden post-debate Clown Show. Dr.Jill: "Joe wakes up every morning thinking about how he can make lives better." Gillibrand: "He's the best!" Biden: "Good job, man." Elton John: "Huh? Oh." Biden shuffles off.