The CCP will use the outbreak of the vaccine disaster as an opportunity to defeat Europe and the United States of America. Miles Guo: October 16, 2022 2022.10.16 中共把疫苗灾难的爆发视为战胜欧美的机会
The Great Reset | "The Current Vaccines Are Not Infection Blocking, They Are Not Broad So When New Variants Come Up You Lose Protection and They Have Very Short Duration Particularly In the People That Matter." - Bill Gates
Lindsey Graham and John McCain motivation speech for the AZOV NAZIS in 2016 - EUROPE, USA & CANADIAN GOVERNMENT'S ARE ALL ZIONIST WAR CRIMINALS! #TRUTH
CBDCs | What Do You Do If You Have Already Taken the COVID-19 Vaccines? Are CBDCs Becoming a Reality NOW? How Big of a Threat Is the CCP? How to Deal with Chronic Allergies?