Dollar Collapse | "We Are A Country That Is 130% Debt to GDP, No One Has Ever Come Back from That without Default or Hyper-Inflation. We Are Country That Has 5 Trillion In Assets of Which 40% Is STUDENT DEBT." - Andy Schectman (Jan 5th 2024)
James OKeefe exposes BlackRock: -buying US Senators for $10k -profiting off the Ukraine war -Insider trading -using $20 Trillion in assets to control much of the world
Cathy O’Brien Testifies to US Congress that she was a Sex Slave to Hillary & Bill Clinton Affiliated in an Elite Sex Trafficking Ring that Abused, Purchased, & Sacrificed Children
Yorkshire, England: Man uses a cordless angle grinder to cut down a surveillance camera, the day after it was installed in his neighbourhood. This is what we will have to do to the cameras that make '15 minute cities' possible