1. "A Letter to Liberals" by Robert F Kennedy Jr (part 1) Read by Tim Janakos

    "A Letter to Liberals" by Robert F Kennedy Jr (part 1) Read by Tim Janakos

  2. Rudy Hunter on Tim Janakos's Twice- a-week Healing Call-in show, "From Time Without Beginning"

    Rudy Hunter on Tim Janakos's Twice- a-week Healing Call-in show, "From Time Without Beginning"

  3. Adolescent's Head by Tim Janakos and the Infinite Beings

    Adolescent's Head by Tim Janakos and the Infinite Beings

  4. Tim Janakos and the Infinite Beings live at Gioia Mia in Niigata, Japan

    Tim Janakos and the Infinite Beings live at Gioia Mia in Niigata, Japan

  5. Tim Janakos's Twice a Week Energy Healing Call-in Show (Highlights of the first 8 months)

    Tim Janakos's Twice a Week Energy Healing Call-in Show (Highlights of the first 8 months)

  6. If I Died Tonight. By Tim Janakos the most censored singer/Songwriter on Youtube.

    If I Died Tonight. By Tim Janakos the most censored singer/Songwriter on Youtube.

  7. Mark Romero on Tim Janakos's Twice-a-Week Energy Healing Call

    Mark Romero on Tim Janakos's Twice-a-Week Energy Healing Call

  8. "If I died tonight" new song by Censored Singer Song Writer, Tim Janakos

    "If I died tonight" new song by Censored Singer Song Writer, Tim Janakos

  9. If I Died Tonight (on Piano) early takes by Censored Singer Song Writer, Tim Janakos

    If I Died Tonight (on Piano) early takes by Censored Singer Song Writer, Tim Janakos

  10. "Wired For War" By P W Singer (Introduction) read by Tim Janakos

    "Wired For War" By P W Singer (Introduction) read by Tim Janakos
