Conversations With A Channel. Kerry Henwood: Shaman, Psychic, Channeler of “The Arcs”, and the Woman Who Was MY Reader! (Preview) — VINTAGE WEin5D Circa 2010 [I’ve Been at This a While!]
Bend Reality Using The Mirror Principle Correctly and Faithfully—Remember, Everything is a Reflection of You, so Let's Get to Mastering This! (Quazi Johir + Claude M. Bristol)
A Community of Spirits Whose One of [Many] Soul-Contracted Purposes is to Inspire You OUT of Restrictions [Through Example of Mastering Contrast]. NOTE: There’s a Difference Between Making Choices of One’s Own Volition, and Being Conditioned to Them!
Monogamy Vs. Non-Monogamy, “Orgies” and Tantric Sex/Kama Sutra (Satanic or Neutral?) + Looking Deeper into What God/Source/Prime Creator is. — Topics Verbalized by 3 Different Teachers in Their Own Lingo!