5 months ago"Zero Sympathy For You!" - George Soros Expands Empire Buying 200 U.S. Radio StationPatrick Bet-David
2 years agoAbsolute Truth Mother Russia, The Final Empire Dugin’s Eurasian World Order Sheikh Imran HoseinSheikhImranHosein
3 years agoThe "Soros Empire" György Schwartz aka George Soros at the "Asia Society" conference, in 2015.Vagguvia
10 months agoSo we are fighting an organized gang called Empire of George SorosTrump Train Pro 🥇✝️ #Trump2024 #TrumpRally #TPUSA
2 years agoGeorge Soros: I am in touch with Ukrainian leaders; I am proud at them; I created Soros Empire!RussiaInsight
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