1. Westminster Cathedral Port as boats sail in?

    Westminster Cathedral Port as boats sail in?

  2. Boris Almost Swept Away During 2020 Holiday...Was The RNLI Too Busy Picking Up Boat W⚓s In Dover?

    Boris Almost Swept Away During 2020 Holiday...Was The RNLI Too Busy Picking Up Boat W⚓s In Dover?

  3. Jim Davidson - Blame the coastguard, Blame the Border Force, But don't blame the RNLI

    Jim Davidson - Blame the coastguard, Blame the Border Force, But don't blame the RNLI

  4. U.K. lifeboat charity being used as taxi service for illegal migrants

    U.K. lifeboat charity being used as taxi service for illegal migrants

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  7. Incredible video shows Coastguard helicopter rescuing a teenager from the bottom of a 150ft cliff

    Incredible video shows Coastguard helicopter rescuing a teenager from the bottom of a 150ft cliff

  8. Katie Sweetingham from Care4Calais, "Hi and Welcome to England"

    Katie Sweetingham from Care4Calais, "Hi and Welcome to England"

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  10. Ep. 10 We speak with Steve Laws about the continuing illegal immigration in Dover

    Ep. 10 We speak with Steve Laws about the continuing illegal immigration in Dover

  11. A Short Flight Around The Mumbles Coast & Pier - Welsh Drones

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  13. Hundreds of people dive into the waters of the UK on new years

    Hundreds of people dive into the waters of the UK on new years

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  16. Hundredevis af mennesker hopper i vandet nytårsaften i Storbritannien

    Hundredevis af mennesker hopper i vandet nytårsaften i Storbritannien

  17. Hundratals personer dök ner i det kalla vattnet i Storbritannien på nyår

    Hundratals personer dök ner i det kalla vattnet i Storbritannien på nyår

  18. Centenas mergulham no mar do Reino Unido no Ano Novo

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  19. Centenas de pessoas mergulham nas águas do Reino Unido no Ano Novo

    Centenas de pessoas mergulham nas águas do Reino Unido no Ano Novo

  20. Un tuffo nelle acque del Regno Unito per l'anno nuovo

    Un tuffo nelle acque del Regno Unito per l'anno nuovo
