Why Obama Chose Biden as Vice President, The Core Cell Group, Brotherhood Members Vow to Protect Those in Their Circle and Keep Their Secrets + The Friendship Bracelets, A Signal to Keep the Secret, Signal Not Just to Each Other but to All LB Members
Great Lakes, Underground Railroad and Tunnels + Hunter Biden has a Back Tattoo of Finger Lakes + He's a Hierarchy Kid, Rebellion isn't Unusual, Commit First Predatory Act @ 12, Evidence on Laptop That it Continued, Including with Obama Girls
Waterfalls, The Use of Energy or Used for Sacrifice + General John Sullivan Sent by George Washington to Destroy Iroquois Villages, Louis Sullivan was 1 of 7 Masons/Architects Who Built Chicago and Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Auction Houses
Psychotherapists that are In The System/Luciferian Brotherhood + The Tavistock Institute, Hampstead, Offshoots like The Stanford Research Institute, Prestigious, Respected by the General Public, Perceived as an Authority