Hegelian Dialectic | "Thesis, Antithesis & the End Result Is the Synthesis Through the Middle That They Sought All Along. Very Good At Giving You Left Argument, Right Argument..Wings of the Same Bird." - Francis Hunt (8/7/24)
Baltimore Bridge Collapse | Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse (Author of Star-Spangled Banner) | Singaporean Ship Dali Changed Course 2-Minutes Prior to Hitting Bridge & Was Dealing With Temporary Loss of Power (Film Breakdown)
Pope Francis | Why Did the Pope Just Promote Fr. Antonio Spadaro Who Has Described Jesus As: "Indifferent, Uncaring, Angry & Insensitive, Unbreakably Hard, Mocking & Disrepectful & Blinded by Nationalism & Theological Rigor?"
Peace & Security | “NOW Is Our Moment for ACTION. Let Us Recommit a World Where Peace & Security Are A Reality for All.” - (9/13/2013) Dennis Francis (President of 78th U.N. General Assembly 78th) + 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5