3 months agoThe biometric entry exit tracking system which is essentially Nano Bots put in vaccines food & waterKeyofdavid7
2 years agoBig Pharma Wants To Put Nano Tech In Entire Food Supply. Plan to make food tracibleHighlandFud Anti-Globalist News Updates (Uncensored)
6 months agoMy Siamese Cat Has Completely Recovered From His Brain Surgery Side Effects Thanks to MasterPeace!DrRobertYoung
2 years agoDARPA, The US Gov.& Military Industrial Complex Created mRNA Nano-Bot Bio-WeaponTheWarAgainstYou
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1 year agoNANO-MAN (deep nasal swab tech, radiation, injection tech, Borg assimilation)Biological Medicine
1 year agoCBDC'S ARE D.O.A. I've been beating this drum for longer than anyone. LISTEN TO TRUMP, HE AGREES!XRPQFSTeamVerified
11 months agoArtificial Intelligent Transformation Of Humanity - Nano and Micro Robots In Human BloodHumanity Is Under Attack
5 months agoHow a long term addict got clean and is staying long term clean with frequency technology.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoCharles Leiber: Evil Genius, Chinese Spy and Worlds Top Expert on Graphene Nano-BotsTheWarAgainstYou
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6 months agoBill Gates’ Ecstacy on Self-Assembling Lipid Nano Particles for InjectionsUSAFrontlineDoctors