Univ of Michigan: Rebuking Mocker As The Holy Spirit Gives Me A Word of Knowledge/Wisdom For This Mocker, Curious Student Examines My Banner, Takes Pics, Multitudes, Multitudes In The Valley of Decision, I Warn of The Coming Judgments Upon the USA!
WVU: Mocking Agnostic Soon Turns Sober As He Agrees to An Hour Conversation & By The End He Thanks Me -- Holy Spirit Really Worked Powerfully Today -- Another Catholic Student w/ Humble Heart Meekly Receives The Word, Just An AWESOME Day on Campus!
Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!