General Flynn | What Is the Bilderberg Group? Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Mike Pompeo, Stacy Abrams, Peter Thiel & Eric Schmidt In The Bilderberg Group? Who Is On the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee?
Self-Driving Cars | "AI & the Machines Taking Over. Cars That Drive Themselves. Soon There Won't Be A Steering Wheel & They'll Take You to the Police Station When You Have Parking Tickets." - Jim Carrey
(Adam) Man (is) (Seth) appointed (Enosh) mortal (Kenan) sorrow; (but) (Mahalalel) the Blessed God (Jared) shall come down (Enoch) teaching (that) (Methuselah) His death shall bring (the) (Lamech) despairing (Noah) rest.