5 months ago"They are coming FOR YOUR KIDS!" Real Men Leading by example Fighting Against the TRANS MAFIA!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
8 months agoSo EXCITING! They CANNOT STOP what comes NEXT! More Smoking Gun! More Flood!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months agoCHAT with HOLLY (Lyme WARRIOR! We all have such BIG opportunities! Are we going to take them?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months ago**UNCHAINED Wellness Clinic** Could this be THE Solution you're looking for or NEED!?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months agoCHAT with JENNY (Author/Healer Patriotic Book: Exposing Truth/ Corruption! Amazing TOOL/ GIFT!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoI am So Grateful! We got This! *Time to see past the BS/lies* Let's take our country BACK!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoCHAT with TERRY & NINA (Full-fledged TYRANNY in Canada!/ We MUST wake up/ Jesus is the cure!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoCHAT with TANYA **Breakthroughs for Lyme**(Podcaster/ Lyme Warrior/ Incredible STORY!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months ago***Church Promotes Gun Grab*** Turn them into Garden tools they claim!/ NOT SMART!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 year ago***CHEMTRAILS*** Are they spraying us? Is our air safe to breathe? EVERYONE MUST SOUND THE ALARM!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
2 months ago-DIED SUDDENLY- (Documentary from Stew Peters) WHY is this information CENSORED?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
2 months ago-THESE LITTLE ONES- (Stew Peters Network: Film Brings The Facts) Why are we NOT Addressing This?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months agoCOULD IT BE!? Is this the SHIFT we have been waiting for? *EVERY AMERICAN MUST SEE*UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 year ago***THE PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA*** (do you think the plan was created many years ago???)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
3 months agoCHAT with MIKE FILIP (Radio Host/ Pastor & Exactly what we Need Right Now! *On FIRE for God*)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 year agoWhy are DRUGS/ CHEMICALS in our WATER AND FOOD!!!!! (I want answers... We must not tolerate this!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 year agoDo NOT BETRAY YOURSELF, We MUST stand up and do what is RIGHT! (We are under attack!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT