7 months agoproject 2025 liberal satanic democrat plantation cult klan fear mongering Trump hate propaganda!levtcs
4 months agoCLUELESS brainwashed indoctrinated satanic democrat cult klan sheep HATE Pres TRUMP & Cant say Whylevtcs
7 months agoPiers Morgan exposed liberal satanic democrat cult anti Trump hate To DEFLECT From zombie Joe Bidenlevtcs
5 months agowhy new world order cabal deep state hate Pres Trump Doubting Official 9/11 Story! w/ Mike Benz 9-13levtcs
7 months agoliberal democrat cult demented zombie joe Biden Renounce OWN Hate Rhetoric Against Pres Trump & MAGAlevtcs
1 year agoFBI Targeting Conservative Christians as "Hate Groups" - International Reporters Roundtable 7-24-23levtcs
10 months agoElon Musk, Rogan & J.K. Rowling DECRY Scotland’s New Hate Crimes Law! 4-4-24 The Jimmy Dore Showlevtcs
1 year ago"Ireland, We're At War!" - Conor McGregor Investigated for Hate Speech 11-27-23 CrowderBitslevtcs
1 year agoliberal progressive democrat cult klan new york judge & ag hate Trump guilty even before trial startlevtcs
11 months agoCHAOS BREAKS OUT at Kyle Rittenhouse Speech when liberal democrat MOB hate free speech DERAILS EVENTlevtcs
8 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan cnn host butt hurt triggered when their Trump hate agenda exposedlevtcs
3 months agolib satanic democrat cult klan hate indoctrinating brainwashin Fake News MSNBC kiss Pres Trump's @$$levtcs
4 months agoJD Vance says JESUS is KING days after lib satanic democrat cult Kamala hate CHRISTian JESUS is LORDlevtcs
1 year agoTucker Carlson: The REAL REASON US Elites Hate Russia, Hungary Is Because They’re CHRISTIAN NATIONSlevtcs
1 year agoGOP Demands Anti-Christian HATE CRIME Investigation | 'Automatic Death Penalty' For School Shooterslevtcs
1 year agoWhite Men Accused Of Using The 'N Word' During Alabama River Brawl As CNN Pushes Hate Crime Charges!levtcs
1 year agoHATE CRIME: 15 Black Teens M*rder Innocent White Classmate & Media Is Silent! 11-19-23 CrowderBitslevtcs
9 months agoBronx Residents Show liberal democrat AOC How Much They LOVE TRUMP...& HATE liberal democrat Biden!levtcs
1 year agoTerrorists Hate This ONE Trick That'll Stop You From Getting Blown Up 11-14-23 CrowderBitslevtcs