The Great Reset | Why does the World Economic Forum logo feature a 666? Why does the Google Chrome logo feature a 666? Why does Microsoft have a patent for CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA that features a WO2020060606 publication number?
RESTRICT ACT | "Stalin Couldn't Follow Every Soviet Citizen 24 Hours A Day And Know What He Or She Is Thinking Or Feeling. But a 21st Century Stalin Will Be Able to Do It And We Already Have a Number of Candidates for the Job." - Yuval Noah
MYOCARDITIS; Numbers post injection up to 25,000 per million. Before covid Jabs were just 4 per million Dr. Peter McCullough; I saw a couple of cases in decades now I’m seeing it on a daily basis
By Now CV19 Vaccine Murdered 1.1 Million Americans, Permanently Disabled 4 Million, Injured 28 Million! To get the numbers around the world, multiply all that by 10!