1. How do we Pray Today & What About 1st John 1:9? by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    How do we Pray Today & What About 1st John 1:9? by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  2. How Do We Know We Are Saved? What is the Gospel That Saves? by BobGeorge.net

    How Do We Know We Are Saved? What is the Gospel That Saves? by BobGeorge.net

  3. No One Goes In and Out of Fellowship With God by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    No One Goes In and Out of Fellowship With God by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  4. Faith Says Thank You to God | Call In Program P814 by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    Faith Says Thank You to God | Call In Program P814 by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  5. Remember the Cross: Your Sins Are Forgiven Forever! by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    Remember the Cross: Your Sins Are Forgiven Forever! by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  6. Do Not Be Anxious About Anything for Jesus is Our Thanksgiving by BobGeorge.net

    Do Not Be Anxious About Anything for Jesus is Our Thanksgiving by BobGeorge.net

  7. Jesus Gives Living Water to All Who Place Faith in Him! by BobGeorge.net | FreedomInChristBibleStudy

    Jesus Gives Living Water to All Who Place Faith in Him! by BobGeorge.net | FreedomInChristBibleStudy

  8. Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-29-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-29-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  9. Happy Mother’s Day Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 5-14-2023

    Happy Mother’s Day Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 5-14-2023

  10. Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-15-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-15-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  11. Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-8-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 1-8-2023 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  12. Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 8-7-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 8-7-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  13. Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-31-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-31-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  14. Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-10-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-10-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  15. Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-3-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-3-22 | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  16. Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-17-22 | http://FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 7-17-22 | http://FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  17. Happy Mother’s Day | Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 5-8-22 | www.FreedomInChrist.co

    Happy Mother’s Day | Freedom In Christ Sunday Assembly 5-8-22 | www.FreedomInChrist.co

  18. Jesus Taught Under the Old Covenant to Bury Us by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    Jesus Taught Under the Old Covenant to Bury Us by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  19. Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, Rather Than God? by BobGeorge.net | FreedomInChristBibleStudy

    Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, Rather Than God? by BobGeorge.net | FreedomInChristBibleStudy

  20. God is NOT a Forgiveness Vending Machine by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    God is NOT a Forgiveness Vending Machine by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  21. Merry Christmas Sunday Assembly | Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

    Merry Christmas Sunday Assembly | Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. | FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

  22. ONLY THE BLOOD OF GOD HIMSELF can Take Away Sins by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

    ONLY THE BLOOD OF GOD HIMSELF can Take Away Sins by BobGeorge.net | Freedom In Christ Bible Study

  23. Jesus Became Sin For Us So That We Could in Him Become the Righteousness of God by BobGeorge.net

    Jesus Became Sin For Us So That We Could in Him Become the Righteousness of God by BobGeorge.net
