PERU ALIENS UPDATE: Timothy Alberino Says THESE ARE NOT ALIENS, But Likely Paramilitary HUMANS with UFO Tech Capturing Other Humans! — Redacted News with Clayton Morris | WE in 5D: Expect These SSP Military Humans to Play a Role During Project Blue Beam
BANNED: Producers of Mike Tyson’s Podcast with Pressure from Big-Tech Would NOT Air His Interview with Alex Jones—But Here it is! Footage Includes Them Doing Mushrooms on Camera!
Did Elon Musk Join David Icke and Alex Jones for a Debate? | WE in 5D: I'm No Musk Hater, I Admire Aspects of Him, and I Use Such People Until I Can’t. Everyone Should Do as THEY WANT w/out Forcing Others. What I Want?—I Wont Put ANY Tech in Me!
EXPLAINED—This is What They Want: TRANSHUMANISM > SEXUALITY (THE ESSENCE/SOUL OF YOU, AND WHY GENDER IS IMPORTANT). | Big Tech Censoring Tarot, and Inching Toward the Spiritual Community!
Guys.. F✰cking REALLY!? You Don’t Change Them, YOU DISSOLVE THEM—Creating Your Reality/Choosing Your Timeline. The Need to Reform Old Tech is Equal to the Fool Chaser Who’ll Never Catch the Runner. | The Most Innocent of Tarot Readers RESTRICTED!
BREAKING: FBI Issues Fake Terror Alert Saying "White Supremacist Attack is Imminent" and Illegally Order NSA to Spy on Americans Through Facial Recognition A.I. Tech!