Incentivized to Kill: Government Bounties on American Lives: "Hospitals get paid an enormous amount if they use remdesivir," informed Dr. Peterson Pierre. "20% surcharge on the entire hospital bill."
Dr. McCullough: (SPEAKING TRUTH) Human Outrage Is Occurring At The End Of a Hypodermic Needle. "The bottom line is, the truth is like kryptonite at this point in time, and you can't stop it."
#PSYOP - Former State Dpt. COVID Investigator David Asher: "It appears that they materially supported the development in part of COVID-19 at the Wuhan institute of virology...and Dr. Fauci was well aware of it. The cover-up started from the highest
"Dr." Fauci on Gov. DeSantis convening an investigation into Covid vaccine injuries in Florida: "Vaccinations have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately $1 trillion in costs. #ROPE
Nanotechnology Discussion at Medical Conference - International Health Expert Astrid Stuckelberger PhD Questions No Graphene Narrative of (Controlled Opperative Dr Ryan Cole)