1 year agoDr. Joesph Mercola & Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Electromagnetic Fields, EMFs, Part 3SavedandFree
5 months agoDr Dietrich Klinghardt Smart Meters and EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time 2012OurFreeSociety2021
4 months agoWTF Is Going On? Where Are the Bees, Birds & Butterflies? Chemtrails or EMFs? We're under Attack!Liberty TV
4 months agoTRANSHUMAN/MIND CONTROL: First They Implant via Various Means, Then They Target | La Quinta ColumnaLiberty TV
3 years ago2021-11-05 Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt über Gefahren der Corona Impfstoffe - BackupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
3 days agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
5 days ago5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
1 year agoWie man Menschen abstumpft und sie dann umbringt@Dr.Dietrich Klinghardt🙈🐑🐑🐑 COV ID1984moonjunky
1 year agoDr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Schritt für Schritt zur Zellentgiftung - so geht's richtig!Take Your Health in Your Hand!
5 months agoPhysician and scientist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about 5G and graphene oxide in injectables.nfsntwrk
5 days agoWUHAN, 5G, COVID, MEDIA, VACCINE & NWO - The Truth Shall Free Humanity from the New-World-Order CultBiological Medicine
1 year agoC.-Skandal - Was uns allen verschwiegen wird.Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt@Sören Schumann🙈moonjunky
3 years agoCHEMTRAILS: WAS STECKT DAHINTER? | DR. MED. PETRA WIECHEL & DR. MED. DIETRICH KLINGHARDTJust News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
4 days agoExpose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5GBiological Medicine
4 days agoCan Wi-Fi or 5G Signals Stunt Plant, Human or Intelligence Growth? Research Before It Is Too Late!Biological Medicine
3 months agoDr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks EMFs - 5G -Graphene Oxide in injectables - Investigators die suddenlyUniteForTruth