Fight to the Death with a Defector, The Holy Spirit Took Over, Jessie Prayed For Him and Put Hands On His Chest + Training Partner Took Life & Sealed the Equilibrium Dichotomy Deal
Jessie and Her Training Partner's Ritual Names, Sunshine and Moonlight + Prophetic Book + April 24, 2020 Came & Went, The Ritual Didn't Take Place As Planned + Cathy Fox
Frazzledrip, Hillary Clinton's Signature Killing i.e. She Committed Murder that Way Many Times + The Need to Stay Sane, Funny Story About Switching the Salt and Sugar
Jessie Couldn't Allow in the Sadness, The 'I Want's + The Apparent Death of Jessie's Training Partner and the Elaborate Gaslighting that the Brotherhood System Imposed to Get Her to Believe it