The Fourth Industrial Revolution | "With the Rise of Brain Computer Interfaces It Is Very Likely People Will Literally Be Part of a Network. Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Connected to the Network." - Yuval
Elon Musk | "The Universe Started Out As Hydrogen & Then 13.8 Billion Years Later We Have Consciousness. Consciousness Had to Arise from Hydrogen. If You Leave Hydrogen Out In the Sun Long Enough, It Starts Talking to Itself."
Elon Musk | "The Universe Started Out As Hydrogen & Then 13.8 Billion Years Later We Have Consciousness. Consciousness Had to Arise from Hydrogen. If You Leave Hydrogen Out In the Sun Long Enough, It Starts Talking to Itself."
Elon Musk | "Where Does Consciousness Arise? Christian Faith You Would Say That There Is a Soul That Inhabits the Body. But We All Started As a Single Cell. So Is That Single Cell Conscious? Where Does Consciousness Arrive?"
Amanda Grace | Trump Prophecies Fulfilled + Breaking Down the March 14th 2024 Prophesy of Brandon Biggs "I Saw Trump Rising Up And I Saw An Attempt On His Life. This Bullet Flew By His, It Came So Close to His Head!"