Cognitive Dissonance | The BRICS Lead De-Dollarization | "We Are Going Down. It Will Be the Biggest Crash In World History." - Robert Kiyosaki + Is America Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance About the Health of the U.S. Dollar?
Stock Market Crash | If You Took Out the Top Seven Stocks How Would the U.S. Stock Market Look? Has the U.S. Ever Raised Interest Rates By 4.8% As Quickly As We Are Now Seeing? + BRICS Pay Digital Blockchain Payment System Launched?!
$80 Trillion | Is This How the CBDC Financial Reset Happens? | Why Is the Bank of International Settlements Warning About the Global Financial System Being Vulnerable to an $80 Trillion-Plus Problem In Foreign Currency Swaps?
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
Bank Crash | Silicon Valley Bank Fails, Regulators Seize Signature Bank In 3rd Largest U.S. Bank Failure | "I Expect Bank Runs Monday Morning." - Bill Ackman (Billionaire)...Meanwhile Regional Banks Prepare for Monday's Markets to Open!!!