NEW US DOD MARATHON! Sun-Feb16,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!
Doctors Quit British Medical Ass Over It’s Support Of Puberty Blockers For Trans Kids/Historic Christian Churches Are Burning To the Ground In France At a Rate of 1 Every 2 Weeks/Small Illegal Alien Children Are Put to Work Full-Time in Times Square for
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Sun-Feb16,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Sun-Feb16,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!