ART | Is ART Being Used to Advance Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry Intentionally Advancing the Satanic Agenda?
Darryl Strawberry | Darryl Strawberry Testimony: God Is Greater Than Any Addiction + Baseball Star Turned Born-Again Christian & Evangelist Darryl Strawberry Joins the ReAwaken America Tour!!! Join Darryl At the Final ReAwaken Tour
BRICS | BRICS Summit Adds Six Resource Rich Countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina & UAE) Who 44% of the Earth's Global Oil Production | "The World They Are Going Into Is a Non-Christian World." - Kiyosaki
The Jeff Dornik Show: GOP Presidential Candidate Ryan Binkley's Explosive Interview: Christian Values, Economy and The Late Show Mention | LIVE @ 8pm ET
Elon Musk | "Where Does Consciousness Arise? Christian Faith You Would Say That There Is a Soul That Inhabits the Body. But We All Started As a Single Cell. So Is That Single Cell Conscious? Where Does Consciousness Arrive?"