#220 False Teachings / Teachers, Sacrificing Our Children, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Adrenochrome, Child Sex Slave Trafficking...Demons Torture Children Because They Hate Jesus | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#223 Our Elections Have Been Hijacked! The 5 Point Plan To Take Back America & The ONLY Strategy To WIN In 2024. It's Time To Stop Being SLAVES To The System & TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW | ANN VANDERSTEEL
#75 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The Sound of Freedom Movie Trailer, Director Interview & Heart Wrenching Presentation From The CEO Neal Harmon - STOP CHILD SEX SLAVE TRAFFICKING!
#98 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: LOY BRUNSON - The Real Insurrection On January 6th Was By The 385 Traitors In Congress + BANNING The Voting Machines Will End Child Sex Slave Trafficking! JOIN THE CRUSADE TO TAKE BACK OUR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTIONS!
#58 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: ANN VANDERSTEEL - Your REAL America = Corruption, Fraud, Money Laundering, Child Sex Slave Trafficking & Sacrifice. What Are You Doing About It? Time To Stand In The Gap & PROTECT THE CHILDREN!