COVID-19 Vaccines | "The Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated In With Plasma DNA, It's Not Just mRNA, It's Got Bits of DNA In It." - Doctor Phillip Buckhaults (Cancer Genomic Expert) | "The SV40 (Cancer Causing Genes) Sequence Should No
COVID-19 Shots | "The Pfizer Shot Because of the Way They Created It Synthetically Allows the Messenger RNA to Pass Inside Your Cells & to Be Replicated Indefinitely By the Ribosomes." - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (ReAwaken America Tour)
Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Since 1986 Has Been a Bioweapon!" & "Vaccination Is Not Immunization It Is Sterilization & Extermination." - Dr. Judy Mikovits + Are COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon?
George Soros | "AI Is Particularly Good At Producing Instruments of Control That Help Repressive Regimes And Endanger Repressive Societies. COVID-19 Also Helped Legitimize Instruments of Control." (Speaking May 24th At the World Economic Forum.&