1. UAE COP28 president slams allegations of using U.N. climate summit to secure oil deals

    UAE COP28 president slams allegations of using U.N. climate summit to secure oil deals

  2. UAE vows to plant 10 mangrove trees for every Cop28 visitor

    UAE vows to plant 10 mangrove trees for every Cop28 visitor

  3. Have You Been Poisoned by Criminals Colluding with Zionists within Your Government to Meet 2030 UN Depopulation Goals

    Have You Been Poisoned by Criminals Colluding with Zionists within Your Government to Meet 2030 UN Depopulation Goals

  4. UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams

    UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams

  5. Climate Change Used To Bring In Globalist Policies - UK Column News

    Climate Change Used To Bring In Globalist Policies - UK Column News
