1. 69_how to delete text from the beginning of the command line with ctirl k

    69_how to delete text from the beginning of the command line with ctirl k

  2. 71_how to delete the most recently deleted text from a keyboard shortcut with ctrl y

    71_how to delete the most recently deleted text from a keyboard shortcut with ctrl y

  3. 120_how to "delete a directory" with the "rm -r" command

    120_how to "delete a directory" with the "rm -r" command

  4. 87_how to scroll to the next command with the down arrow

    87_how to scroll to the next command with the down arrow

  5. 170_how to "remove the write permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

    170_how to "remove the write permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

  6. 169_how to "remove the execute permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

    169_how to "remove the execute permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

  7. 171_how to "add the write permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

    171_how to "add the write permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

  8. 172_how to "remove the read permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

    172_how to "remove the read permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

  9. 174_how to "add the execute permission to the group permission set" using "chmod"

    174_how to "add the execute permission to the group permission set" using "chmod"

  10. 173_how to "add the read permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

    173_how to "add the read permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" command

  11. 175_how to "remove the execute permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    175_how to "remove the execute permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  12. 179_how to "add the read permission to the group permission set" with "chmod"

    179_how to "add the read permission to the group permission set" with "chmod"

  13. 178_how to "remove the read permission for the group permission set" with "chmod"

    178_how to "remove the read permission for the group permission set" with "chmod"

  14. 180_how to "add the write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

    180_how to "add the write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

  15. 182_how to "add the execute permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

    182_how to "add the execute permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

  16. 109_how to delete one word at a time with alt backspace

    109_how to delete one word at a time with alt backspace

  17. 21_how to install bash?

    21_how to install bash?

  18. 246_how to "see your PATH" with the "$PATH" command

    246_how to "see your PATH" with the "$PATH" command

  19. 242_how to "find the filepath of a program" with the "which" command

    242_how to "find the filepath of a program" with the "which" command

  20. 241_the program is the instruction

    241_the program is the instruction

  21. 201_how to "remove the read and execute permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    201_how to "remove the read and execute permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  22. 90_how to end the ctrl r history search at current entry with ctrl j

    90_how to end the ctrl r history search at current entry with ctrl j

  23. 61_why are there quotes around my files?

    61_why are there quotes around my files?

  24. 105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button

    105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button
