1 year ago[EndeavorFreedom] Zen Garcia & David Weiss - FE Sun And Moon Clock [Jul 6, 2019]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[InnerVerse Podacst] David Weiss | Deep In The Rabbit Hole: Searching For A More Sensible CosmologyDITRH Interviews
4 months agoHow the Reasonable Prudent Person Standard Debunks NASA's Apollo and the ISSFlat Earth Clock app
1 year ago[Suck It Podcast] Common Sense VS Flat Earth with Guest David Weiss [Feb 8, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Ripon Rabbit Hole] RIPON RABBIT HOLE LIVE - FLAT EARTH THEORY [Jul 10, 2020]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Revolutionary Radio] TFR - 45 - Rob Skiba talks with David Weiss of DITRH [Oct, 21, 2015]DITRH Interviews
4 months ago[DITRH SHORTS] Money is how they control us - Coffee with the Dog EP217 #shorts [Sep 28, 2022]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Just Face It] Special Guest David Weiss (Flat Earther) ---Just Face It *2021* [Feb 4, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[What are we doing here] WAWDH Podcast - Episode 10 - David Weiss, Flat Earth. [Feb 10, 2021]DITRH Interviews
10 months agoEP70: (Insert Preferred Planet Shape Here) or Bust with Nanoski & David Weiss [Sep 7, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[The Other Side of Midnight] 77 Talk Radio WABC - Frank Morano talks Flat Earth with David WeissDITRH Interviews