(Adam) Man (is) (Seth) appointed (Enosh) mortal (Kenan) sorrow; (but) (Mahalalel) the Blessed God (Jared) shall come down (Enoch) teaching (that) (Methuselah) His death shall bring (the) (Lamech) despairing (Noah) rest.
FRA STEFANO ☩ “20 Agosto Vangelo del Giorno Commento Benedizione ☩ Liturgia della Parola”😇💖🙏#Ora -come non mai- è arrivato il momento di tornare a Dio con tutto il cuore, SOPRATTUTTO nella “SANTA MESSA” e in “TUTTI I SACRAMENTI!”
Yuval Noah Harari | "All This Story About Jesus Rising from the Dead & Being the Son of God, This is Fake News. We Don't Need to Wait for Jesus Christ to Come Back to Earth to Overcome Death. God Is Dead It Just Takes Awhile to Get Rid of th
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Best Test for a Spiritual Place, Like a Temple. Does It Bring Peace Or Conflict?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34