1. Worship Service 8:00am 8/09/2020 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost

    Worship Service 8:00am 8/09/2020 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost

  2. Worship Service 8:00am 8/02/2020 - 9th Sunday after Pentecost

    Worship Service 8:00am 8/02/2020 - 9th Sunday after Pentecost

  3. Worship Service 8:00am 6/7/2020 - Holy Trinity Sunday

    Worship Service 8:00am 6/7/2020 - Holy Trinity Sunday

  4. Worship Service 10:30am 8/02/2020 - 9th Sunday after Pentecost

    Worship Service 10:30am 8/02/2020 - 9th Sunday after Pentecost

  5. Worship Service 10:30am 8/09/2020 -10th Sunday after Pentecost

    Worship Service 10:30am 8/09/2020 -10th Sunday after Pentecost

  6. Worship Service 8:00am 7/5/2020 - 5th Sunday after Pentecost & Patriotic Theme Service

    Worship Service 8:00am 7/5/2020 - 5th Sunday after Pentecost & Patriotic Theme Service

  7. Psalm 126 "When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true." Tune: St Matthew (1st half)

    Psalm 126 "When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true." Tune: St Matthew (1st half)

  8. Matthew and the Temptation in Context - 1st Sunday in Lent 2024

    Matthew and the Temptation in Context - 1st Sunday in Lent 2024

  9. Worship Service 8:00am 6/21/2020 - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost / Father's Day

    Worship Service 8:00am 6/21/2020 - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost / Father's Day

  10. Theology of the Body Audience 69 | Le Nouvel Esprit Commentary on TOB

    Theology of the Body Audience 69 | Le Nouvel Esprit Commentary on TOB

  11. Worship Service 10:30am 6/7/2020 - Holy Trinity Sunday

    Worship Service 10:30am 6/7/2020 - Holy Trinity Sunday

  12. Worship Service 10:30am 7/5/2020 - 5th Sunday after Pentecost & Patriotic Theme Service

    Worship Service 10:30am 7/5/2020 - 5th Sunday after Pentecost & Patriotic Theme Service

  13. Worship Service 10:30am 4/12/2020 - Easter Communion Service

    Worship Service 10:30am 4/12/2020 - Easter Communion Service
