1. Christians were monotheistic before Constantine #Shorts

    Christians were monotheistic before Constantine #Shorts

  2. Prophet Mohammed is mentioned in the Bible a lot

    Prophet Mohammed is mentioned in the Bible a lot

  3. Rejecting Quran before reading it isn't wisdom

    Rejecting Quran before reading it isn't wisdom

  4. Christians should read the New Testemant #Shorts

    Christians should read the New Testemant #Shorts

  5. Snake poison doesn't affect Christians, and they can heal the sick??

    Snake poison doesn't affect Christians, and they can heal the sick??

  6. Jesus asked you to testify with Mohammed #Shorts

    Jesus asked you to testify with Mohammed #Shorts

  7. Arabs before and after Quran. Not believable!

    Arabs before and after Quran. Not believable!

  8. Was Quran copied from Greek or Asian culture?

    Was Quran copied from Greek or Asian culture?