Dominion and Authority Course (Now Available on Jessie's Website, Link Below in the Video Description) + Rebuke Principalities, Bind the Strongman, Anoint the Land + Child Trafficking
Kanye & Kim Kardasian, Black Wedding Ritual, Dark to Light, Bride, Mockery of Christ + Aleister Crowley, Equilibrium + Announces the End of the Dark Side, Expect False Christs Capable of Signs, Wonders and Miracles
Johnny Depp is a Vampire + Vampire Masquerades, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Ritual Feedings, TV Advert (with a Message?) + Madonna Tried To Run and Get Out of the System, She Was Hunted Down and Brought Back In
Spiritual Gates, Access Point Between the Physical and the Spiritual World, Mirrors, Water + The Frequency of Thanksgiving, Ecstasy is Sufficiently Close, Sex Magick
Josef Mengele, Trained Major Programmers in the System/Luciferian Brotherhood + Neuralink, Cannot Be Trusted! + Elon Musk, Family Background, Jessie's Affidavits (see links to 3 PDFs in the video description)
Somerset Belenoff + The Bilderberg Group includes Members of the Satanic Council + Bilderberg Members List, Rotation and a 4-Year Cycle, Regent Lords and Circles
A Demonic Spirit Named Jesus, Some Insist On Calling Jesus Christ Yeshua + The Angel Gabriel Told Mary that His Name is Jesus + There are Many Stories Involving Jesus Christ and the Use of His Name
Kanye & Kim Kardashian's (High Priestesses into Dark Magick) Wedding Ritual Part of Phoenix Ceremony, Dark 2 Light, Self-Immolation, Chemical Wedding, Initiations of Flame, Immortal Stone + Marilyn Manson, Bieber + Wore Rubber Boots for Grounding
Justin Bieber's Prayer, Marilyn Manson, No Testimony About Deliverance (Conspicuous By its Absence) + Kanye West and High Priests and High Priestesses + Currencies