Satanic Agenda & Hollywood | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? | “We Have Worked Really Closely with Hollywood On This." - Sarah Kate Ellis CEO of GLAAD (Pro-LGBT Media Monitoring Group) | "We Are Ready to Worship." - CBS
Surveillance Capitalism | CBDC | "If You Want Into a Room & There Is a Picture of Kim Jong-un On the Wall & the Bracelet Picks Up the Signs of Anger Because It Has Access to Your Brain This Is Very Bad News for YOU." - Yuval Noah Harari
America First Vs. The Great Reset | "Regulation Is Stealth Taxation. Unelected Bureaucrats Have Imposed Crushing Anti-Business Regulations On Our Citizens. As President I Will Always Protect the Interests of Our Country." - President Trump
CBDCs | "They (Central Bankers) Are Looking At a World Where They (Central Bankers) Have Two Options, Move to Complete Control or Lose Control. Clearly They (Central Bankers) Have Decided to Move to Complete Control." - Catherine Austin Fitts