Prophecy 21, 95, 153 Excerpts YAHUSHUA'S RESURRECTION Then 40 DAYS Preaching Worldwide. HIS Bride & Guests overcoming zombies & all of hell (mirrored) 43 views
A FAKE GOSPEL Ken Copeland, a Reptilian, controlled by fallen angels, gives false prophecy to fellow reptilian pimp Morris Cerullo (deceased, not in Heaven) mirrored
fallen angels Rule Over The ICHABOD CHURCHES With RAINING GOLD DUST - Location Bethel, CA. Great Falling Away ushering in the dark jesus/antimessiah. Is Another Gospel (Gal 1:8) mirrored
GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)
Prophecy 92 Excerpts fallen angels did many false wonders using Chris Angel, Hinn, Parsley. But soon "Satan’s elite forces will come in the form of UFO’ think is only science fiction."
Prophecy 123 Devastation Is Coming! Devastation Is Here! Chain Reactions Storms/Tsunamis/Quakes, ect. YAH SAYS "For I AM in the storms!" "MY Holy angels work overtime!" Miracles & Protection! mirrored
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts! YAH Shocks The World "many are robots and how many are clones. You do not even understand the billions of fallen angels that can take the image of a human." (mirrored)