Central Bank Digital Currencies | What Can We Buy With CBDCs? "Tokenization Is the Process of Representing Claims Digitally On a Programmable Platform...The Next Logical Step In the Long Evolutionary Arc of Record Keeping & Asset Transfer."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The History of Beginning And Ending of the U.S. Petrodollar (Petrodollar R.I.P. - 1971 - 2023?) | FedNow & the Birth of Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Programmable. Every Individual Will Be Given a Certain Amount of Carbon That They Are Allowed to Emit Into the Atmosphere."
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Catherine Austin Fitts Explains How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work.