Sarah Elkhaldy Talks Freewill, the Separation of the Old and New Earth (AKA 3D <–> 5D Timelines Split), Relationships/Intimacy, Activism, Magic Mushrooms, Dimensions, and More on the "Pretty Intense" Podcast!
REAL-TIME EXAMPLE: When 5D Finds You’re Ready and Pushes You Out [Just a Little bit More] of 3D, but You Still Oddly Feel Wronged About it—it’s Called Unsophisticated Human! But it Should be ok.. You’ll Usually Adjust and Not Forfeit the Upgrade.
‘Forgot Who I Was. Picked up My Crown, Put it Back on My Head!’ Madonna — “Living for Love” (w/ “Take a Bow” Intro). They Call This Satanic, But They Don’t Like to Notice the Character Destroying the Devil (Actually Bulls)!
Moral of the Story: Bad Things Happen.. to Bad Girls. Even Spirit Guides Can’t Always Save an Unhappy Soul. Revolutionary Video Directed by David Fincher, and the Artist Who Took Music Video to Feature-Film-Quality. “Bad Girl” by Madonna.
You Desire Someone ‘Beautiful’, But in the Process You Forget WHO YOU REALLY ARE [What Madonna Learned About Placing ANYONE on a Pedestal] + Her Thoroughly Accurate Words on Jesus, Religion Vs. God; and Her Song “X-Static Process”.
Lightworkers, Discontinue Your Aim to “Teach”, “Help”, or “Convert” Anyone, for it’s the Destruction of Your Peace and You Can be Promised You’ll Help No One! You Can, However, Do This…. | #BEtheFrequency Explained!