7 years ago(VLOG) WHY I FELL IN LOVE 💗 with CHARLIE HUNNAM and some great MAKE-UP TIPS to get CAMERA readyCelebrity reporter
7 years agoGUY RITCHIE trying to explain his own DIRECTING STYLE - and how he calms his nervesCelebrity reporter
9 years agoTOM HARDY is smoking (hot) gangster (LEGEND) and trying to remember his co-starCelebrity reporter
7 years agoMichelle Williams on Kevin Spacey (and Harvey Weinstein): - We Felt Defeated And Ashamed!Celebrity reporter
7 years ago(VLOG) Why Papa SKARSGÅRD Never Gives His Famous Sons Advice - and CHARLIE HUNNAM'S Big SacrificeCelebrity reporter
7 years agoTalitha Bateman & Lulu Wilson On (THE REAL) HORROR On Set of Annabelle CreationCelebrity reporter
9 years agoThis i s how tired Jack Black is of being funny all the time - and being a strict dadCelebrity reporter
7 years agoHow Charlie Hunnam Really Feels About Being a Sexsymbol + How His Cat & Girlfriend Keep him GroundedCelebrity reporter
7 years agoWhy Darren Aronofsky Never Thought Ex-Girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence Would Be In His Movie (MOTHER)Celebrity reporter