1 year ago+103 GRACE GONE WILD, Part 3: Laying Down the Law Without Giving Up GraceThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+22 TRUSTING GOD IN TOUGH TIMES, Pt 1: Trusting God In Tough Times, James 1:1-4The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years agoTHE CROSS, Part 3: Perspective from the Cross, John 19:19-27The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years agoTHE CROSS, Part 2: Consider His Suffering, John 19:12-18The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years agoTHREE GIFTS FROM OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, Romans 8:14-18The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+45 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Part 3: Worship God Alone/The 2nd Commandment, Exodus 20:4-6The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years agoSPIRITUAL WARFARE, Part 1: Provision for the Battle, Ephesians 6:10-13The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
2 years agoUNBEATABLE FRIED CHICKEN & PORK CHALLENGE | Crazy Puerto Rican Food Challenge With MofongoJoel HansenVerified
8 months ago+81 AMERICA IN CRISIS, Isaiah 59:1-5; 12-15The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+56 18 MINUTES WITH JESUS, Pt 7: Straight Talk About Your Enemies, Mt 5:38-48The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years agoThe AntiChrist, Part 4: The Predecessors: The Warning Against False Teachers, 2 Peter 2:1-22 con'tThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
10 months ago+66 NO CONDEMNATION, Pt 10: Judgment Of Unbelievers, Romans 2:12-16The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+81 GRACE GONE WILD, Part 8: Good Grace Relationships, Hebrews 12:15The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+51 ARE YOU LIVING A FULL LIFE? Acts 16:1-11The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+41 HOLY LIVING IN AN UNHOLY WORLD, Pt 2: The Mystery & Blessing of Predestination, Eph. 1:3-6The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+74 HOLY LIVING IN AN UNHOLY WORLD, Pt 6: The Way We Were, Eph 2:1-7The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+78 THE TEN-NATION CONFEDERACY, Psalm 83The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
3 years ago+15 I DECLARE. Part 8, Series Final: Jesus' Greatest Declaration of the Gospel, John 3:3-17The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+35 THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S, Psalm 24:1-10The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
10 months ago+57 THE PASTOR'S TEAM, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+57 HOLY LIVING IN AN UNHOLY WORLD, Part 1: Overview of EphesiansThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified