The International Telecommunication Union Doesn't Do "Conspiracy Theory" Or OPINIONS They Do Standards, Policy, R&D Business, Marketshare & Deployments IonT-6G!
None of you have Defined the Bio-Cyber Interface-eHealth 6G Biodigital Convergence Healthcare 4.0. - Maria Zeee & HOPE @Infowars misrepresented ITU Ian F Akyildiz PANACEA-IoBnT Interface as 'Mark of the Beast, worn on right hand'
They Really Think You Are Stupid And Won't Figure It Out For Yourself! Infact Their Bank Account$ Rely On You Not Figuring It Out For Yourself! #StopTheGrift
They are still telling eachother that its the "mark of the beast" and "moderna gave them a demon field" in the form of a "Bioweapon" this is why education & Terminologies are so very important!
Bill Gates | "We Are Taking Things That Are Genetically Modified Organisms and We Are Injecting Them Into Little Kids' Arms. We Just Shoot Them Right Into the Vein." - Bill Gates + "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network - Twitter