Yuval Noah Harari | "I Still Teach At Hebrew University of Jerusalem, So Every Week I Am There. People Create a Story About the Place & They Imagine That This Place (Jerusalem) Is Filled w/ Holiness. This Place Makes People Angry."
Ann Vandersteel | "People Were Dying. It Was A Crisis And There Was One Man Who Listened To God And Dared To Question The Establishment Medical Protocols."
Meat | Lab Grown Meat? | Why Did the USDA Approve the First 'Lab-Grown' Meat to Be Sold to the Public? | "Cultured-Meat Is the Only Practical Solution for the Problem of the Suffering of Domesticated Animals." - Yuval Noah Harari
Marnie Lynn | "Ronald Reagan Once Said That 'Perhaps You And I Have Lived With This Miracle Too Long To Be Properly Appreciative.' That 'Freedom Is A Fragile Thing'."