The Degenerate Android-Madonna of Today, Tranny/Mass Shootings Rant—Why People Like Me Don’t Care + Moral & Immoral Behavior, The IMPORTANCE of Genuine Sexuality, Copy Vs. Inspired, Bending Time, Other Esoteric and Random Chat, and Some Laughs!
Deep State Mapping Artist/Researcher, Dylan Monroe Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy (9/14/22) Topics Include Correlating Groups: Khazars/Mossad/Zionists, Nazis, Jesuits, The Vatican, Switzerland, and More! 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Feminine = Creates, Masculine = Manifests—They are Energies You Work with in the Lower Dimensions, Which Also Manifests the Human as a ‘Gender’ Represented by One of the Two Energies. A Truth Being Manipulated by the Illuminati via Polarization.
Indie R (Pre-Podcast) — A Chat at a Diner During Lunch Functioning as a Semi-Test for the Upcoming Indie R Podcast, of Which I Will be the Very First Guest! The Official Podcast Will be in Video Form with Faces Shown.