11 months ago[Homespun Yak] Flat Earth Theory Explained w/David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' [Mar 23, 2021]DITRH Interviews
10 months ago[FreeThinkerTV] #32 David Weiss "Flat Earth Dave" The FreeThinkers Society with Mike RomanelliDITRH Interviews
9 months ago[Union of the Unwanted] Union of the Unwanted : 027 : Flat Earth Round Table [Jun 14, 2021]DITRH Interviews
7 months ago[Jason Petrunik] "Flat Earther" David Weiss | The Hokey Hubble Telescope [Sep 2, 2021]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Jukebox Ginger] Words from the Weiss with Flat Earth David Weiss [Jan 14, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Syncretism Society] EP 35 - Q&A w/ Santos and David Weiss - LIVE & Taking Calls [Feb 5, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Syncretism Society] FLAT OR NOT w/ David Weiss & Logan Jayson - LIVE & Taking Calls [Jan 27, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Dec 14, 2015] TISTL 8: "Roger Stone" Patricia Steere & David Weiss [TalkNetwork.com]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[AboutTheSky.com] TISTL 10: "Sofia Smallstorm" Patricia Steere &David Weiss [Dec 28, 2015]DITRH Interviews
4 months ago[The Melt Podcast] Episode 98- David Weiss | Debunking the Heliocentric Narrative [Mar 26, 2022]DITRH Interviews
3 months ago[Piercing the Veil] PTVe17: David Weiss on the Properties of our Realm [Jun 8, 2022]DITRH Interviews
3 months ago[Unquestionable Podcast] Is the Earth Flat? with David Weiss [Jun 29, 2022]DITRH Interviews
3 months ago[SGT Report] THE SERPENT NEVER SPEAKS THE TRUTH -- David Weiss [Jul 15, 2022]DITRH Interviews
1 month agoAnother spinning ball Earth FAIL - BALL BUSTED VACUUM OF SPACE NEXT TO EARTH ATMOSPHERE DEBUNKFlat Earth Clock app
1 month agoLIVE! Flat Earth School #66 - How We Know The Earth Is Round DEBUNKED!Flat Earth Clock app
3 months agoFed Trapped by Inflation, Debt, and De-Dollarization? Insights from Daniel LacalleKitco NEWSVerified
2 months agoFed Rate Cuts Set to Drive Major Capital Shift from U.S. to Global Markets – Lyn AldenKitco NEWSVerified
2 months ago[The Court Case Podcast!] #58 - Flat Earth w/ David Weiss - PART 2 [Jul 21, 2022]DITRH Interviews