The Bible Was Written to Prepare Us, Not to Scare Us | Revelation 13:13, Revelation 16:13-16, Revelation 13:16-18 | Does the Bible Prophesy Fire Coming Down from Heaven, the Euphrates Drying Up, the False Prophet & The Mark of the Beast?
Bill Gates | BREAKING NEWS!!! Does Bill Gates Look Like a Turtle? "I Had a Long & Intriguing Dinner w/ Him (Trump)...It Was Over 3 Hours..In the COVID Days He Accelerated the Vaccine Innovation."- Bill Gates (1/17/25)
World War III | Is the Great War Post-Rapture War Close? Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? What Is Gog
Jews Returning Home to Israel | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Significant Increase In Jews to Israel? (Jeremiah 16: 15-16, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 11:11, Hosea 3:4-5, Amos 9:15 & Ezekiel 11:17)
Erick Stakelbeck | Why Is the World Focused On Israel? What Does the Bible Say About Israel & the End Times? Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16: 12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21? What Is The Great Reset?
Peter Navarro | "Trump Got Lied to About That (The COVID-19 Shots) Not Just By Fauci, But By Pfizer the Drug Company. They Made Him Think It Was a True Vaccine When It's Not. It's mRNA Technology." - Peter Navarro (5/5/2023)