4 months agoHard target the Zionist Australian government paying off the citizens organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
6 months agoAnother Jewish staged event like the Donald Trump staged assassination attemptGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoJewish run organised stalking a worldwide program wake up to the eyes and ears of the stateGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoOlympics 2024 satanic symbolism the Jewish Marxist agenda in full swingGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agosensitizing tactics Jewish run organised stalking connect the dots to the fake COVID-19 ScamdemicGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoThe Speculation of former Jewish head of YouTube Susan Wojcicki's deathGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoYoutuber Tyson Hockley asks Jordan Peterson’s Jewish wife about overrepresented Jewish powerGlobal_communist_takeover1
4 months agowhat happens when you expose a rogue nurse killing targets in hospitals you end up on a watch listGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 months agoG20 | WW3 | Russia-Ukraine | Israel-Lebanon | COP29 | Trump | Amaravati Today Daily Global RoundupAmaravati Today
1 year agoKidnapped hoaxers fall in love with Hamas - goodbye sweetie until the next hoax showGlobal_communist_takeover1
4 months agoyin and Yang Zionists targeting program using symbolism to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
4 months agoTrump meets the hoaxer deputies who lightly arrested actor "assassin"Global_communist_takeover1
8 months agoThe amount of people Israel has paid off worldwide to be their eyes and earsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoBusted IDF and Fox News getting caught planting evidence Inside Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospitalGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agohandlers using senior citizen to do assignments end gov staged hoaxes false flags psy-opsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoA freemason doing assignments to let the target know he's on watch end hoaxes false flags psy-opsGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoMonkeypox Returns, UK Police State, Israel False Flag, Maduro-Elon FeudGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year ago1yr ago China MSM LIES the Jewish COVID hoax using the eyes and ears of the state to pull it offGlobal_communist_takeover1
9 months agoSantos Bonacci : Flat Earth Spiritual Guru Satanic Psychopath digging A deeper hole for himselfGlobal_communist_takeover1