Lara Logan TORCHES the Ukraine Narrative 🔥🔥 “Ukraine is at the center of this cult of globalists” and “the Ukrainian people are being exploited by evil, horrible people”
COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment,
Yuval Noah Harari: Discrimination In The Future Will Be Based on a Score System "We will face individual discrimination, and it might actually be based on a good assessment of who you are...
Paediatrician talks to Dr Robert Malone about vaccinating children. He also says 50% of jabbed pro athletes may be walking around with undiagnosed myocarditis and are at risk of sudden death
This blood taken from a "vaccinated" patient. After three minutes STARTED Clotting! It usually takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube, not 3 minutes.