Kim Clement | Kim Clement Ministries Interviews Clay Clark About: Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, GAVI & The World Health Organization All Located In Geneva, Switzerland? "Stench In the Air (In Geneva)." - Kim Clement + Rev 2:13 &
Entire CALIFORNIA City (of All Places) Rebels and OUTLAWS Masks and Vax Mandates! — Be Like This! DON'T DEPEND ON THIS. Whether Individually or an Entire Community.. Doesn't Matter, Just be Like This!
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Citizens Alert!!! "The World Health Organization (The W.H.O.) May Dictate Healthcare Worldwide | What Is the WHO? What Is the CDC? Why Did the CDC Once Recommend DDT?
Acting | The Ultimate DEEP DIVE Into the World of Hollywood + What Is the Purpose of Hollywood? Who Is Dionysus? "It's Very Spiritual What We Do. You Are Allowing This Character Using Your Body As a Vessel." - Tarji Henson
Klaus Schwab | Who Is Klaus Schwab? What Is the World Economic Forum? What Is the History of Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum? What Are the World Economic Forum's Goals?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Oppose President Trump's America First Policies? "What You Can Say About Donald Trump? He's Destroying the U.S. Alliance System Around the World." - Harari