Cryptocurrency | Why Are Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Pushing Cryptocurrencies? Are Programmable Private Stablecoins a Trojan Horse? Does "Satoshi Nakamoto" Mean "Central Intelligence" In Japanese?
Cryptocurrency | Why Are Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Pushing Cryptocurrencies? Will Programmable Private Stablecoins Be Tied to U.S. Dollar? Does "Satoshi Nakamoto" Mean "Central Intelligence" In Japanese?
Kanye West | Celebrities Controlled by World Economic Forum "All Celebrities Are Controlled. You Don't See Celebrities Talking About the Balenciaga Situation."
Klaus Schwab | "Artificial Intelligence Is the Driver for This Intelligent Age." + "We Stand At the Brink of the Intelligence Age. Where Artificial Intelligence Will Fundamentally Transform Economic Systems & Personal Lives." 1/21/
CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain
Anthropocene | Why Is the World Economic Forum Calling for the Anthropocene? | Why Are the Gates and the Rockefeller Foundations Building Up a Seed Supply to Survive the Anthropocene?
World Economic Forum | Why Is the World Economic Forum Pushing mRNA, Cryptocurrency, Self-Driving Cars & Brain-Computer Interfaces? Why Are Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & Elon Musk Pushing These Agenda Items?
Klaus Schwab Doesn't Want You To Know THIS!!! | REEL HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD w/ MEL K | WEF, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, Climate Change, Green New Deal, CBDC, Smart Cities, Climate Emergency